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How to Create Your Own Custom Email Domain for Free [For Small Business, Bloggers, Freelancers]

Do you want to create your own email domain like [email protected], then checkout how you can easily create your own email domain for free.
how to create your own custom email domain for free

Emails have been one of the best means of communication between people from any part of the world. Friends and families use emails to communicate some piece of sensitive information. Talking of sensitive information, business and companies use emails for communication some information that are confidential only for members of their team.

However, emails are not just used for communication confidential information. Businesses use emails to send important updates concerning their company to all their email subscribers. But before they get to send these emails to their subscribers, the said subscriber will need to add his/her address to an email list.

If you are a business owner or a blogger, then using an email marketing software can be a great way to give a spike in your number of returning visitors by sending emails that are focused on the subscribers interest. Obviously, those that subscribe to the mail list are those that love what you offer and will want to receive more interesting contents from you in future.

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Once you must have collected the emails, you will have to segment them, and use them to send important updates regarding your business to all its subscribers. You can create an email list using Gmail or Outlook.

If you are a business owner (be it small business or large business) or a blogger, you will need to make things look professional to gain trust from your email subscribers and increase their chances of clinking on the links in your emails (CTR - Click Through Rate).

When I talk of professional here, it means you will need to use an email domain that has your website domain linked to it. You might have already subscribed to a mail list before and if its that of a business, you will see every mail coming from them with [email protected] (admin can be replaced by anything but the domain should be that of the website).

You are here because you are looking for a way to create a free email domain right? Sure!

Stay glued because in this guide, I will share with you the best ways you can get to create yourself a custom email domain for free for your business and website.

What is an Email Domain?

If we have an email address such as [email protected], this email can be segmented into 2 section. The splitting is done at the level of the @. Splitting the domain, we will have admin and aimtuto.com. If we are asked an email domain from these 2, then we should be able to say it is aimtuto.com. 

An email domain is the website address that comes after the @ symbol. Form here, you should know that an email domain = website address. This is where your subscribers gain trust in the email they receive. Your mails CTR will increase when you use a custom domain name as your subscribers will know it originates from your website.

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When you send emails to subscribers using your own email domain, it is more than sure that your returning visitors will increase and then you can drive more sales and conversions for your business.

Though not required that much for bloggers, email domains can be important for them too since no one will like to get spammed and the best way to capture the attention of each of your email subscriber is to use your own email domain in sending mails.

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Depending on your business type and provider, the pricing may differ. If you own a small business or are just a blogger, then there are many ways you can create your own email domain for yourself for free.

Benefits of Having a Custom Email Address

1. Simplicity

When you have a custom domain email address, it is easier for people to contact you. Your audience will find your personalized email address easier to remember when they need it. As long as they know your domain name, they can remember your email address.

2. Credibility

People are more likely to engage with a website or company that has a custom email address. It makes you appear more official and better prepared to handle their queries.

3. Leadership

Everyone has an email address. Usually it’s a Gmail or yahoo account. You can set yourself apart with a personalized email address. Your custom email address also helps you increase brand awareness and demonstrate thought leadership. It makes you look more professional and well-established as an expert in your area of interest.

4. Consistency

With some email addresses like @comcast.net, you can’t take them with you if you switch internet providers. You can maintain consistency and an appearance of reliability when you have a custom email address that you can take with you no matter what.

5. Personalization

With your custom email address, you can also create a variety of addresses based on your needs. For example, you can create one for each purpose or department that you have. If you’re a business, you can create one for the billing, sales, and tech support departments. Or if you have a blog, you can create custom addresses based on the needs of your viewers like [email protected] or [email protected].

Source - Pair

How to Create Custom Email Domain for Free

How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free

You can create your own custom email domain for free from some providers online. There are some providers that will require you to get an offer such as buy domain/hosting etc and as a bonus you will have, a free custom email for attached to it.

Since this guide targets small business and bloggers, you will get the best ways to have a custom email domain for your website domain. However, for those that don't have a website, we will equally provide some options for you to get started with this.

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That said, if you are not interested in purchasing a hosting plan or domain name before getting an email domain, there are still some best ways you can use which is what I will show you below. We will use some providers that offer an email domain 100% free and will not require you to pay for anything. 

Additionally, we will also mention some providers that will offer free custom email domain as a bonus for purchasing an offer from them such as hosting.

1. Using Zoho mail to Create Custom Email Domain

Zoho Mail is a great choice and probably one of the best option you can have to create a custom email domain for free. Their top notch 100% forever free plan come with all features that will get your custom email domain ready.

However, Zoho mail is an option for those that own a website with a custom domain. With your custom domain, you can setup a matching email address for your domain for free using Zoho mail thanks to their free Forever Plan with access for up to five users, 5GB of data, and a 25MB attachment limit.

If you don't own a domain, you can choose to purchase a domain from them.

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If you want to avail of more advanced email features such as offline access or various calendar integration options, you can upgrade for as little as $1 per month. However, you should take note that the free version gives you web access only, so you won’t be able to use another email client.

How to Setup/Create Custom Email Domain for Free With Zoho Mail

To setup or create your own free custom email domain with zoho, you will need to follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Zoho Mail Pricing Page, scroll down till you see the Forever Free Plan section. Just click on that.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  2. Next, you will need to signup proving your Name, email/phone number and password. Provide a valid email address or phone number since this will be used by Zoho mail to send you an OTP for verification. 
  3. Once you must have created your account, you will be taken to a Dashboard full of setup steps.
  4. In the first step, you will need to select whether you wish to use an already existing domain or if you want to buy a new one from them.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
    Select Add existing domain to setup your already registered domain with Zoho mail.
  5. A window will popup asking you to provide your existing email domain name, provide your organization name and Industry type.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free

    Just provide this information, then click on Add.
  6. If your domain is registered and valid, you will see a success screen saying your domain has been added successfully.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  7. Now you need to verify your domain with them by adding the TXT record in your domain provider. Other verification methods are available such as CNAME, or HTML methods but they recommend TXT verification.

    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
    Once you add the TXT record in your domain provider, click on Verify TXT Record.
  8. You will see a success notice saying "You have now verified your domain ownership".
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free

    You will need to create a your own free custom email now, just enter your username and click on Create to create your free custom email.
  9. In the next step, you will need to setup users. You can create as many users as you want. This can be useful for business and bloggers who have many members in their team. However, if you are unique in your organization, then just proceed to the next step.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  10. Next, you will need to setup groups. Groups are mainly for business and organizations that will help them group members into different categories. You can skip this step you you do not own a business.
  11. Next, you will need to setup DNS mapping. Here you will need to setup the MAIL EXCHANGER (MX) RECORDS, SENDER POLICY FRAMEWORK (SPF) and DOMAINKEYS IDENTIFIED MAIL (DKIM). You will have to access your domain registrar to set this up. All the steps required to take will be available in each page.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  12. Next, you will need to configure your email delivery. You’ll need to log in to your web hosting portal, head to the DNS manager, and locate the section with your MX information.
    You’ll need to add a new record, specify the value as mx.zoho.com, and set the priority to 10. Depending on which company you use, the exact steps might differ, so contact your domain registrar or web hosting provider if you’re unsure.
  13. Once all of the above setting applied, it can take up-to 20mins to go live. And then, you will be able to login to your account and start using your newly created business or custom email.

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2. Using Mail.com to Create Custom Email Domain

How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free

Mail.com is a perfect choice for those wanting to create a 100% free custom mail without owning a domain name. Additionally, this won't require you to purchase a domain or hosting plan to profit of this custom email address.

Mail.com makes use of its already established domain names so you won't be able to use your own custom domain for your website. As such, this option is not recommended for established businesses or website owners. However, it can be a perfect choice for free lancers that just started their freelancing career without a website. It is also suitable for anyone that don't want to use generic mails such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.

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Mail.com lets you to set up an industry-specific email account that’s completely free. For example you can setup a custom email from them using email domains such as @usa.com, @contractor.com, @europe.com, @engineer.com etc.

How to Setup/Create Custom Email Domain for Free With Mail.com

To setup or create your own free custom email domain with mail.com, you will need to follow the steps below.

  1. Signup for an account at mail.com and enter the information required.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  2. Once you’ve filled in your details and chosen your password, click on I agree. Create an email account now. Then, click on Activate your account now, and you’re done.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to send and receive emails via Outlook or Gmail. You’ll have to log in to Mail.com each time you want to use it.

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2. Bluehost Free Email Domain

Bluehost is one of the best if not the best hosting solution for websites. It welcomes all kind of websites including starter site with their amazing pricing and offers. Bluehost is a recommending hosting solution for WordPress websites as it provide WordPress installation and fast caching plugins to increase website loading speed.

However, to create a free email domain, you will need to purchase a web hosting plan from them which generally starts at $2.75/mo. So this method is not completely free. This method is ideal for business owners, organization and bloggers that have good projects for their sites and customers.

Bluehost is very easy to set up, works seamlessly with WordPress, and gives you many tools to start your first website.

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How to Setup/Create Custom Email Domain for Free With Bluehost

As earlier said, you will need to purchase a hosting plan to be able to use the free custom email provided by Bluehost. You should consider doing this if only you will want to use the hosting and domain you get for a purpose. Don't waste your budget here if you do not want to use hosting. There are many more options to pick that are specialized in custom email domain creation. 

Follow the steps below to create a free custom email domain with Bluehost.

  1. Go to Bluehost and choose a plan that suite you. You can checkout which plan is suitable for your need at themeisle. The cheapest plan here is the Basic plan which starts at $2.75/mo.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  2. Once your plan selected, you will need to register a domain for your website. Just enter the domain you will want your website to want and click Next.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  3. Now you will need to setup your account by filling in the form provided. Alternatively, you can signup with your Google Account.
    How to Create your Own Custom Email Domain for Free
  4. Once you’ve finished setting up your account, log in to your Bluehost dashboard and go to Advanced > Email Accounts. From here, you’ll be able to configure your email domain.

There are several ways you can start using your new email domain. For instance, you can use Bluehost’s webmail interface, or connect to a popular email client such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or Gmail.
Some users prefer this solution as it’s more convenient, as you don’t have to log in to your hosting account to check your inbox.

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The support documentation for Bluehost is very helpful as they show how to easily use their services. Additionally, they have some tutorials that show how to configure your Bluehost with Gmail and Outlook.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on How to Create Your Own Custom Email Domain for Free

Now at this stage, you can claim to have created a custom email for your domain for free. Using sites such as Zoho, this is very possible as they allow you to create a custom email address with your domain and create as many users as you want for your team.

Zoho mail is an ideal choice for those that want to own a custom email for their business and websites (bloggers) and can be also beneficial for freelancers that want to promote their skills through emails.

Mail.com lets you create a custom email domain from already registered domains which might not be yours. You can use this if you want something different from the generic @gmail.com, @yahoo.com etc. Freelancers can as well use this method. However, it is not recommended for established businesses and website owners (professional bloggers) since you will not want to see another site attached to your email.

Bluehost is the best option for everyone wanting to make a website visible online. It offers incredible plans and offers of which free domain name, free custom email are included as free packages. They have affordable pricing for those that want their website to be visible on the web (minimum of $2.75/mo). However, this option is not worth those that just want a custom email domain. There are better options out there that will get you a custom email domain at almost free pricing. 

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Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…

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