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How to Create a Blogger Blog Step by Step and Make Money Online

See the step by step process on how to create a blogger blog and start monetizing your blog posts online.

 Blogger is the most used platform for creating blogs now our days and many blogs online today are blogger blogs. Blogger has several advantages over other hosting platform especially for a starter blogger or someone who wants to start a blog online and monétise the blog. 

Blogger though free, is somehow limited to other paid hosting platforms such as wordpress.org and other hosting providers. Though its always good to start with blogger blog if you wish to start digitally writing what passions you the most and publish it on the internet.

how to create a blogger blog step by step

Making money with blogger is equally possible with the help of third party advertisers network such as AdSense and affiliate marketing. 

You can write on what passions you the most and later on publish your content on the internet and make money with it without having to pay a dime.

So in this article, I’ll be showing you a step by step method on how to create a blogger blog.

What is Blogger?

Blogger is an American blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of blogspot.com. In other words, all blogs under blogger are hosted by google since 2003 and any blog in the blogger service carries a subdomain of blogspot.com meaning if you have created a blog named, My New Blog, then the blog will have the address mynewblog.blogspot.com.

Blogger is a free to use blogging platform that helps people anywhere in the world to digitally publish his/her knowledge out on the internet.

There are just few features that makes blogger platform to be better than others. They are the advantages of blogger over other hosting platforms.

Advantages of Blogger over other Hosting Services such as WordPress

I have highlighted some few advantages that are to be really considered when comparing Blogger to Wordpress they can be seen below;

  1. Blogger provides Free Hosting: This is the major advantage of blogger over wordpress.org. You do not pay Blogger for hosting your site. In the other hand, Wordpress.org Hosting is paid.
  2. Free SSL and Highly Secured: Since blogger is hosted by Google, all blogger blogs benefit from Google security features such as Free SSL. With blogger, you do not need to purchase an SSL certificate for identification of your site by Browsers.
  3. Good SEO Ranking: Google being the most used search engine in the world make this a great advantage for blogger blogs. Google usually ranks blogger blogs higher because they provide to Blogger users, ideal options for SEO settings according to the way they ranks sites for search results. They easily crawl blogger blog pages and rank them easily.
  4. Cloudfare Protection is Optional: Cloudfare is really an important service for website protection against attacks. This is mostly experienced in self hosted sites and Wordpress sites. So these sites need Cloudfare more than ever. With Blogger blogs, Blogger blogs are access across secured cloud protection so no need for Cloudfare. In most cases, cloud fare is known for slowing down blog load time due to its redirection plus that of blogger blogs and which is not good for SEO.

Above are my spotted advantages of Blogger over other hosting providers. But still with these advantages, blogger has several limitations that makes it not to easy especially when it comes to adding additional widgets to the Blog and editing the HTML Section. 

Experienced users do not have problems with this but starters usually have. I’ve spotted the most known disadvantages below.

Disadvantages of Blogger Over Wordpress

There are several disadvantages that blogger has over wordpress, you can see them below.

  1. Limited Control over your Site
  2. Lack of Plugins for easy customization
  3. Most Wordpress features are absent in Blogger

Blogger has been growing in the few years and has added some features which have made them go far today. You might probably want to know how to create a blog in blogger. So lets start with that now!

Step by Step Guide to create a Blogger Blog

People usually ask if it is possible to create a professional blog with blogger. This is difficult to tell but Yes, it is possible to create a Professional Blog using Blogger. You start by creating a blog and then do some HTML customizations and the deal is done but most importantly, you will need an optimized template for your Blog to make it look professional. You can get Professional paid Blogger templates at AiM Templates for free.

It is really easy to start a blogger blog. But first you will have to create the Blog. So see the steps below;

Step 1: Go to blogger.com and on the left side bar, you’ll see an option named create a new blog, Click on that as it is shown below.

How to create a blogger blog step by step

Step 2: Now on the next screen presented to you, you will have to enter your desired blog name. Please choose your blog name wisely and note that that will be the name your blog will carry. You can still change this name later if you like. Once you’ve entered your blog name, click on save.

How to create a blogger blog step by step

Step 3: Now you will have to enter a Blog address, this will be the address that search engine will identify as location of your site contents for indexing and will also be the address where people can access your blog contents by entering the address in the search bar. Don’t forget that this address with have the blogspot.com subdomain after the name you enter. See the screenshot below:

How to create a blogger blog step by step

When you enter the address click on save and your Blogger blog will be immediately created.

Those are there’s detailed and easy steps to create a blogger blog.

Now let me guide you through the backend.

See the screenshot below, let me explain sone few things on it.

How to create a Blogger Blog Step by Step

The above part that have been encircled with a blue triangle is the navigation panel. This is where you get to manage your blog.

The first part where the first green arrow points to is the Blog name as we saw earlier. 

The second arrow indicates the New post button. This is the option you click to create a new post. As you can see, this is a New blog we just created and you can’t see any post now because the blog has just been created.

The third arrow indicates the Blog navigation. This is where you do all editing and this is where you control your site.

Posts: On this tab, you will see all the posts you have created and published and also drafted.

Stats: Here, you see and analyse how many visitors have visited your blog and how which page performs best for your visitors and their different countries of residence from which they access your blog.

Comments: Here you manage comments on your blog. You will see all the comments on your blog here.

Earnings: This is only available when your blog monetizes with AdSense. You will need to optimize some things on your blog to be able to monetize with Google AdSense.

Pages: This is where you can create and manage your blog pages such as Contact, About, Sitemap, Privacy, Disclaimer, Terms & Condition pages etc...

Layout: Here you can drag and drop widget bars the way you want your blog to be seen. You can equally add and delete widgets here such as Popular Posts, Featured Posts, AdSense Widget, HTML/JavaScript custom widget and many more. 

Theme: This is where you customise your blog appearance on the internet. You can equally backup your current template if you want to do some editing in the HTML Section of your site as. This is also where you change your site theme and access the the blog HTML Section.

Settings: This tab is mostly for advanced users just as the Them tab, they are to be manipulated with care. In the settings tab, you can add your blog description and meta description, change the blog name, change the blog address, add a custom domain name and manage the SEO settings of your site. Contact a professional to do this for you if you can’t. I can equally do that for you so you can contact me from our contact page.  Nevertheless, I’ll do a tutorial on how to setup Blogger blog for good SEO Ranking so subscribe to our newsletter.

Reading list: This is where you see the contents of blogs you follow.

View blog: This is the tab which when clicked take you directly to your blog. You can view your published contents on your blog and also view your blog by clicking on this tab.

Note:We are publishing blogger tutorials on how to optimize your blog for good SEO. So subscribe to the this blog now and get noticed on our new releases and updates!

Now you know about blogger, you can now start writing your passion. Now what about if you start monetizing your contents? That will be even better.

How to Make Money with my Blogger Blog

There are several methods of monetizing your blogger blog online and the first option is by using advertising services such as Google AdSense

AdSense is the best monetization option for any blogspot blogger and it can generate you enough revenue which can help you move your blogspot blog to Wordpress for better experience with blogging.

The other method is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing pays even better than Google AdSense when you refer some buyers to the marketers from your blog. Your visitors click on your affiliate link and when they purchase products from the marketers, you receive a good commission from the sale.

All these monetization methods require a considerable amount of visitors on your site a day and you you can achieve this just with good SEO optimization. Subscribe now to get these tutorials. They will be updated here once released.

Above are the two best methods blogspot bloggers get money online. We will cover a better portion of this topic in the dedicated tutorial on that. Stay tuned.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Blogger is a good blogging platform but WordPress is best because it provides all necessary advantages to create a professional and engaging site.
  • Bloggers that blog articles contantly have several ways of earning online of which the most common are by using Google AdSense and affiliate marketing services. This is possible when you have engaging visitors daily on your blog.
  • This is a whole chapter to cover and we are on that. Stay tuned.


Above we have discussed on how to create a blogger blog, what are the advantages of blogger over other hosting providers, how to make money with blogger blog. These give you a clear opinion on how to start a clear career using blogger and a blog.

When you raise a good revenue monthly with blogger, then you can later upgrade to Wordpress and enjoy what Wordpress has to offer.

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Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…

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