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Is It Safe To Give Someone Your Venmo Username?

It is not always safe to share your Venmo username. Find out when is it safe to give someone your Venmo username.
is it safe to give someone your venmo username

Here we go — digitalization is finally here and peer-to-peer transactions have proven to reign supreme when making digital payments.

In fact, a peer-to-peer payment survey run by Statistica shows that 47% of U.S. respondents confirmed they use direct money transfer services for making payments.

Of course, Venmo is one of these money transfer services that appear to be popular in the U.S.

While Venmo might seem convenient and secure, a pertinent question arises among users "Is it safe to give someone your Venmo username?"

Privacy and security are usually all we need when using digital payment services like Venmo.

In this article, we'll see whether is it safe to give someone your Venmo username.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  1. It is safe to give your Venmo username to someone you know and trust.
  2. Someone (a random person) can steal money from your friends with your username.
  3. Your Venmo account can't be hacked with just your username.

Is It Safe To Give Someone Your Venmo Username?

The Venmo username is a unique identifier that others (friends and relatives) can use to send you money through Venmo.

Yeah, the Venmo username is typically used to receive money through Venmo and can't be used to access your Venmo account.

However, scammers can impersonate your username and use it to steal money from your friends and relatives.

So simply put, it is safe to give someone your Venmo username as long as you know and trust the person. It is not, however, safe to share your username publicly on the web or social media.

When Is It Safe To Give Someone Your Venmo Username?

Giving someone your Venmo username shouldn't hurt your account.

Well, that's if you're giving this username to someone you know and trust so they can send you money or make a money request.

For instance, if you are selling something online and the buyer wants to send you money through Venmo, you can give them your username so they can pay you. However, even in this case, it is important to be careful and to only do business with people you trust.

Also Read: Does Someone Need My Email For Venmo?

Why Is It Not Safe To Give Someone Your Venmo Username?

Venmo is the second most popular payment service in the U.S.

And yes, scammers are aware of that and use the app to bait victims into scams. They always have new techniques or tricks to get you.

Talking or scamming techniques used by scammers, a scammer can impersonate your account (pose themselves for you) and change their username and profile picture so they can match yours.

I know the question you might be asking yourself "How's that possible since two accounts with the same username can't exist?" Right?

Well, yes, you're right, that can't be possible.

Let me explain what I mean with an example.

Let's say your Venmo username is jaywhite31, the scammer looking to impersonate your account can create a Venmo account with the username jaywhite13.

He will then add all your friends to their profile and start requesting money. Those who aren't aware of this bad guy will probably send money to the account.

Even if some of your friends try to make things tough for them, they'll create an emergency to make it seem real. They can ask your friend to send money quickly to settle a purchase at a storefront or create an emergent situation.

someone requesting money on venmo

Remember, scammers use emergent situations to make you send money before even knowing it is a scam.

This is called "account impersonation" and it is one of the most popular Venmo scams.

venmo account impersonation

How To Stay Safe From Venmo Username Scam

Venmo username scams are not uncommon on the app and to stay safe from this scam, you should consider the following:

  • Always double-check every payment request from accounts that look like your friends before accepting the payment. You can do this by tapping on their profile to confirm their public transaction history and network information. 
  • Confirm with your friend outside of Venmo if they sent you a payment request.
  • Update the privacy settings for your friends list and your transaction history.

Can Someone Hack Your Venmo By Having Your Username?

No, someone cannot hack your Venmo by just having your username.

However, they can impersonate your username and steal money from your friends on Venmo.

Also Read: Can Somone Hack Your Cash App With Your Username?

Is It Safe To Give Someone Your Venmo Email?

No, it is not safe to give someone your Venmo email.

Someone (a random person) can use your email to send you phishing emails in an attempt to get more information on your account such as your password and Two-Factor Authentication login (if already set for your account).

Do not share your Venmo email with someone even if you know the person. However, if you need to share your email, always ask the person what they want to do with your email before sharing it with them.

Also Read: Is It Safe To Give Out Your Cash App Tag?

Is It Safe To Share Your QR Code?

Yes, it is safe to share your QR code. This code is randomly generated and is used for making payments through Venmo.

Does Venmo Call You About Suspicious Activity?

No, Venmo will not call you about suspicious activities on your account.

If you receive a call from someone posing as Venmo support for suspicious activities, it is probably a scammer.

Frequently Asked Question

Is it safe to give a stranger your Venmo?

No, it isn't safe to give your Venmo username or email to a stranger. They can use this information to send phishing emails to you and hack your account.

What info do I give someone to pay me on Venmo?

Just your username should be enough to receive payments on Venmo.

Do people see your Venmo username?

Your Venmo username is made public to your friends. You can always change this preference in your account settings.

Is it safe to give someone your Venmo username and email?

No, it is not safe to give someone your Venmo username and email. They can use this to send phishing emails to get more information regarding your account.

Should your Venmo username be your real name?

No, it is not recommended to use the same account name as your Venmo username. Make your username to be unique and different from your real name.

Final Thoughts

Venmo is a popular payment service that allows users to send and receive money safely and conveniently.

While your Venmo username is used for making payments through the app, it isn't always safe to give someone your Venmo username, especially through social media.

Scammers can impersonate your profile and use a fake username similar to yours to steal money from your friends.

So I'll only recommend giving your Venmo username to someone you know who wants to send you money.

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About the Author

Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…

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