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MTN Cameroon all Secret Cheat Short Codes (Dataplan, Subscriptions, Airtime Cheat Codes)

Get all MTN Cameroon Secret Short Codes to access any of their offers and services...

MTN Cameroon all Secret Cheat Codes for Data, Subscriptions and Airtime

In Cameroon and nearly all counties, the use of various USSD codes is very vital for enjoying some kind of bundles especially those that are really not pronounced and hidden. In some advanced countries, the network providers of these countries have made things easy for their subscribers and users to get in touch with their different bundles. This is possible with the development of android applications that automatically runs a request on the sever set by a user instead of dialing USSD Codes.

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But still users that don’t have Android and touch screen devices can’t have the opportunity to use this applications. So, a good knowledge on these secret cheat codes is really a vital part for them for a complete satisfaction of the users. 

MTN Cameroon as well as Orange Cameroon have developed their own mobile clients in order to facilitate things for their users. These applications help users and releases them from the stress of dialing USSD codes anytime they want something. But still, most advanced users know that these applications aren’t just sufficient and can’t permit them to have access to some secret sections of the network provider. So a good knowledge of MTN Cameroon secret short codes is really important to profit of MTN Cameroon various offers.

So in today’s post, I will be providing you with a complete list of MTN Cameroon Secret codes that will help you have a good knowledge and connaissance in the network and how their plans are being scheduled on every USSD secret code you run on their network.

What is a USSD Code?

A USSD Code is an entry that request a an information from a server in a digital form and gets a return to the client with the specified information allocated to that code. If the USSD code is not found on a server, then it will return an error message. So, all codes are readily programmed for a particular purpose in order to satisfy any demande on the network server. Let’s take for example in an exam, with multiple choice questions, every question got just one correct answer for it. If a wrong answer is given to the question as a reply, you will fail that question which is same as an error reply from the server. That’s just it.

How to get USSD Secret Cheat Codes

Cheat codes are not that difficult to get because they are actually programmed and released to the public by the network provider. Though, there are some secret codes known as system faults and leakages exploited by some various administrators. A secret code can be defined here as a code not known by everyone. We aim in this article today to share these codes out with you.

MTN Cameroon all Secret Short Codes

Below, you will get 3 detailed tables with all MTN Cameroon Secret short codes that you can use at every given time. To each code is attached a service or offer type and a description for the code for its proper use.

NOTE: If you are on mobile, enable auto rotation on your device and rotate it horizontally to view all the data in the tables below.

MTN Cameroon Offers and Data Bundles ShortCodes

Below you can find all the short codes for MTN Offers and bundles

Offers Description Shortcodes
MTN Wanda Subscription *123*11#
Bonus Balance *123*11*99#
Auto-renewal *204#
MTN Extra Subscription *122#
Unsubscription *122*0#
Call bundles Calls to MTN *123*16#
Yellow night *218#
International Calls *123*13*1#
Calls to Nigeria *123*13*2#
MTN Wanda Net Activation *123*10#
Auto-renewal *123*10*100#
Bonus Balance *123*10*99#
Data/Internet Bundles Daily Bundles *157*1#
Recharges and Transfers *157*2#
Monthly Bundles *157*3#
Streaming Bundles *157*4#
Giga Surf Bundles *157*5#
Night Bundles *157*1*7#
Bundle Balance *157*99#
WhatsApp bundles Subscription *701#
MTN Yamo Subscription *220#
Unsubscription *220# then select 7
Unsubscription *220*9#
SMS Unlimitext Bundles Subscription *148#
Unsubscription *148*0#
MTN Easy Booster Subscription *167*1#
Unsubscription *167*0#
Balance Check *159*80#

MTN Cameroon My Account Short Codes

Below, you are presented with a table displaying all the shortcodes for MTN My Account section. These are the codes every users uses to control his or her account in the database. Note that these codes are not used to control Mobile Money account.

Services Description Short Codes
Account History History of last 5 transactions (Internet and Calls history) *123*999#
Preferred Numbers (Numbers you call at a preferantial rates) List of Preferred Numbers *165*3#
Add a Preferred Number *165*1*Number#
Delete a Preferred Number *165*2*Number#
Magic Numbers (Numbers you can call and they can call you in return at preferential rates) Add a Magic Number *164*1*Number#
Delete a Magic Number *164*2*Number#

MTN Cameroon Refill and Transfer ShortCodes 

Below is a table with all the shortcodes for Account refill and transfers from one principal account to another (Airtime Transfers).

Services Description Short Codes
MTN Prolongation Borrow airtime or Internet Bundles *121#
Refill a Prepaid Card Refill your account from a Prepaid Card *156*14*digits or figures on the card#
Refill via MoMo Buy airtime via MTN MoMo *126# then select 3
Me2U Airtime transfer to another user *150*amount*number*Me2U Code#
Create a PIN Code *150*9999*PIN Code#
Change a PIN Code *150*Old PIN Code*New PIN Code#

Above are all the Secret Short Codes of network MTN Cameroon. All users are free to use these codes for any of the dedicated inquiries. 

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Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…

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