When you request a refund on Temu and it is approved, you'll be required to return the item for which you want a refund.
Of course, you can just ship any item but for Temu to verify that the parcel you're shipping is actually from them, it will need to carry a return label marked from it.
If you're looking to get a return label for the items you want to return to Temu, you've come to the right place.
In this guide, I'll explain what the return label is and how you can easily get and use it for your returns on Temu.
What is the Temu Return Label?
A Temu return label is a prepaid shipping label provided by Temu to streamline the return process of any product(s) you bought from them. This label is important during the return process because it helps guide to shipment to reach its destination as it includes all shipping information, such as the destination address and tracking details.
How to Get Your Temu Return Label
You'll need your return label only when you request a refund and Temu requires you to return the item. You won't always need a refund in all cases because you can still get a refund without returning the item.
But in case Temu requires you to return your item, then you'll need to get your return label by following these steps:
- Open the Temu app and go to "Your Orders".
- Now click on "All Orders", then "Print your return label and start return".
- Your return label will be shown in a frame (it is more like a barcode or QR code).
- You can view and save it from there and print it for your return.
Once you have your return label, you can print it and attach it to your shipment.
How to Print Your Temu Return Label
The aforementioned steps show how to find your return label and print it, but there are two ways to go about that and those steps are the longest.
So to print your Temu return label:
- Open the Temu app and go to "Your Orders".
- Now click on "Returns" and then "Print return label".
What to Do With Your Temu Return Label (Using It)
After you've found and printed your Temu return label, you'll need to attach it to the package you're shipping to Temu. The return label is more like a barcode or QR code and this contains all the information required for the package to reach its intended destination.
You can use duct tape to attach firmly attach the return label to your package so it won't get loose during the shipping process.
Temu Return Label Not Printing
If your Temu return label is not printing, it could be due to printer settings, the amount of text on the label, or the font size being too long. You can easily fix this by using your computer to print the label since mobile phones have a limit imposed on the length of information they can access and print.
Where to Return Temu Items
Usually, Temu will provide you a return address whenever you request a return label. You'll find this return address at the final step when finding your return label on the platform.
From there, you can find a nearby return location where you can drop your package for return to Temu warehouses.
Final Thoughts
Temu is an e-commerce platform that has simplified the refund process for customers who have issues with their orders. It does this by providing a return label that you can simply print and attach to your shipment so it can safely arrive its destination without you having to worry about the shipping process.
Getting this return label is very easy as long as your refund is approved and you can find it through your orders section of the Temu app as shown in this guide.