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3 Ways to Disable Automatic Updates On Windows 10 | Stop Windows 10 from Downloading Updates

Learn these 3 Easy and reliable methods to stop automatic download of updates on Windows 10.

 Microsoft Windows have been going forward since the past years ago and has constantly been releasing recent versions of Windows from the latest the common old version which is still active in present days, Windows XP released on November 20 1985. Microsoft Windows released a later version of Windows after XP on October 2009 which is Windows 7. Windows 7 is known as the most stable Operating System and is a workstation for most system administrators and system lab runners. 

A later version of Windows was released on August 1 2012 which is Windows 8 build 9200 and is also a really cool system to use due to some of its similar features to that of Windows 7. Also Windows 8.1 was released on August 27 2013 and is most frequent on PC now running on Windows 8 OS. 

Windows 10 being the latest release of Microsoft Windows and the most used Operating System in the World was released on July 29 2015. Windows 10 took Microsoft to a different level as they finished as the world most valuable company in 2018 due to the release and use of Windows 10.

Windows 10 is a really good to use Operating System as they come with numerous facilities not found on the previous versions of Windows. Most drivers are automatically installed and adapt to the hardware for better experience without installing system drivers.

3 methods to disable automatic updates on windows 10

Though Windows 10 has many advantages, it also got its downside of which the current automatic updates is one of the major issues. Windows 10 is set to a way of updating Windows when ever there is a new update and some of these updates usually come with instability which are undesirable to use. 

At times, the updates uses limited connections to get download the necessary files.
Even if you obstruct an update settings, it will return to default as you restart your PC.

So in today's article, I will provide you 3 ways you can use to stop windows from downloading automatic updates.

What are Updates and how are they helpful?

Updates are necessities for evolution to continue its way of development. Every system requires constant updates to keep things in order and maintain stabilities. Updates are usually done for many reasons of which the main is for security purposes. Every system needs an upgrade to advance. So that's why Windows 10 made automatic updates as an obligation for everyone. But not all these updates come with good new, especially the cumulative updates which are known for the various system bugs during manipulation and heavy task loading. 

If I as to answer to this, I will say updates are not really necessary on Windows 10. Now you want a remedy for this? 

Windows 10 does not provide an option to turn of updates features as in the previous versions of Microsoft Windows. Though there is no method to turn that off, I will give you methods of which you can control windows 10 updates. So now how to stop windows 10 from downloading updates? Read that below.

How to Stop Windows 10 Automatic Updates from Downloading

I will share with you 3 methods by which you can take control of automatic updates on Windows 10. They are below:

  1. Windows Update Service Disabling
  2. Group Policy Editor method
  3. Control in Settings

Method 1: Windows Update Service Disabling

In this method, you will have to disable Window update services from the running services. Follow the Steps below

STEP 1: On your desktop, press Win + R keys together and a small little box will open. In the box, type in services.msc and hit Enter on your Keyboard. See the below screenshot;

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 2: A next window will open with a list of services currently running or not on you PC. You will have to scroll down the list till you see Windows Update as highlighted in the screenshot below. 

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 3: Once you see the Windows Update service, double click on it and t will display you a window similar to that below.

On the window, set Startup type to Disable, Select disable from the dropdown list. You will initially see it at Enabled, just click on the Enabled and a dropdown list will appear. From the dropdown list, select Disabled

On the services status, If the update is currently running, you will see Stop available to click on so you click on Stop and the Update Service will stop immediately. 

Now click on Apply and Ok.

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

Your Windows 10 Updates will stop downloading immediately and wont download anymore with these settings. Make sure you check them every time you restart or turn on your PC because windows might revert the settings and if that's the case, then you follow the step and apply them once more.

Method 2: Group Policy Editor

This is the second alternative for controlling windows 10 automatic updates. This method isn't as effective as the first because unlike the first method, security updates will be installed automatically without notifying you. Nevertheless, the other updates will be at your control, you will be asked to choose to download them or not. 

The steps are as easy as the previous method;

STEP 1: Press the Win + R keys together as in the previous method and type in the blank box gpedit.msc and hit Enter on your keyboard. 

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 2: After striking your Enter key, It will open you a next window. On this Windows you will have to browse to the directory I will indicate below;

Computer Configuration>>Administrative Templates>>Windows Components>>Windows Update

Click on the Windows Update folder (group) on the right side bar and on the left side will appear a list of files grouped under the Windows Update folder. Click on Configure Automatic Updates.

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 3: A next window will appear. On the Configure Automatic Updates section, choose Enabled. On the configure automatic updating section, select from the drop down menu the option which says Notify for download and notify for install. When you select this option, click on Apply below and then click Ok

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

You've successfully configured your settings from the group policy editor in order to choose which updates to be downloaded or not and when to install it or not.

Alternatively, there is a third method which isn't that really complex and not too reliable either but works well to in some cases.

Method 3: Control from System Settings

This method is very simple and implies setting your router, Wi-Fi Box, Modem or Ethernet Connection to a metered connection.

What does this do? This informs windows that your connection is limited and should not in any cases be used for updates. It is ideal in cases where you have a private Wi-Fi connection. But recently I found out that setting a connection as metered doesn't really stops Windows 10 automatic updates. Windows 10 will download updates which are of light weight and not heavy because they know you are on a metered connection. But still, you can give the method a try. Follow the below steps to get the method.

STEP 1: Open your System Settings and choose the Network & Internet tab. 

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 2: Click on Wi-Fi tab. Next Select Manage known networks on the right side as shown below

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 3: Now choose the Wi-Fi network you will like to mark as metered. Then click on Properties as shown below.

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

STEP 4: On the next screen, turn on the option that says, Set as metered connection and then you are good to go.

how to stop windows 10 automatic updates from downloading

Now you have 3 easy methods to stop windows 10 automatic updates and take control over the automatic updates. 

No settings or methods you will find on the internet will permanently stop updates without manual measures. At times you can run into viruses thinking its a solution. You better stick to these three methods provided here because you don't have to run any additional script on your PC before getting the job done. Also make sure you always checkout the settings when ever you turn on your PC to see if they are still available, if not then use the methods above to disable the update for your current session.

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Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…

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