On of the best way to come across internet and find a specific website or page is by searching for that websites domain name.
These domains names are offered by registrars who provide them free or provide the, paid. The prices varies on the domain value.
In this article, I will show you how to get a paid domain name for free. Just continue reading.

What is a Domain name?
Generally, domain names are defined as names given to a any network domain virtually on internet that permits the identification of this network domain.
Also, domains can equally be defined as IP (Internet Protocol) which permits the identification of resources such as of a local computer or PC accessing the Internet, any server hosting a website etc.
Note that any service communicated through the internet is or any stuff you got to see on internet is probably found under a domain name.
Can a single domain host several websites?
It’s really obvious that you can’t host more than one website under a domain name.
But, you can create sub domains for that very domain and host may other websites under each sub domain. That’s great right?
And you can get as many sub domains as you want. That’s the only way to get multiple sites hosted under a domain name.
How to have the .xyz Domain name?
Now we’ve gotten to know a briefing on domains, lets move to how to get a .xyz domain name for free.
You are gonna need come requirements before proceeding.
Requirements to Get a Free .xyz Domain Name
- Your Smartphone Or PC
- The coupon code I will be handling to you below
- A flexible reasoning.
Procedure to Get a Free .xyz Domain Name
- Go to This Website.
- You will be shown a blank box for input of your desired domain. Enter the domain you will like to be attached to the extension ‘.xyz“ and click on “Go!”. For example: I want to register the domain aimtutorials.xyz I will proceed by entering aimtutorials and the system will automatically attach the extension “.xyz” to the domain and I click on “GO!”
- If the domain is available, you will be alerted and Now you can Click on Proceed to Checkout.
- Now in the first section of the checkout, set the domain to period to 1 year. If you don’t do so, you will certainly mess up with everything.
- Also, In the Whois Protection box, click yes to turn on the Whios protection.
- Leave the rest empty on this page.
- On the next page, Verify that all is set and put in this coupon code without the quotes(“”) “GUJARAT20” and apply the coupon.
- Put in your address. Note, make sure you enter a correct and and real address because you will need to confirm it later. For the payment information, set it at credit card and input any credit card working or not it will do.
- Now complete your order and will receive a mail with your order details.
- For more precision, make sure you follow the same steps as followed in the screenshot below.
- As you can see I set the domain duration to 1 year, activated WHOIS Protection and Weebly Free Website Build which comes as a default package with the domain. You can equally notice the my Total Due is $0.00USD because i applied the same code I provided above.
- Now you can manage your domain and add it to your website.

Will this domain last for ever?
No this domain can’t last for every just as other domains, you will need to renew it. The coupon code provided above will permit you to get a domain name at zero cost for 1 year. From then, you can renew your domain.
Can I register multiple domains with this coupon?
No, you can’t. This coupon can be used just once by every user. So be wise while choosing the name for your domain. You will have right to just one chance.
Nevertheless, you can still create multiple domains if you got multiple accounts. I think here you can use your sense to get to do this.
Not everyone got the money to register a domain for his/her website. so, you that found this, spread the news with your friends and family for this amazing opportunity because the coupon won’t last for ever.