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How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus [Updated]

In today's article I will show you how to get unlimited connection time when using HA Tunnel Plus without necessarily watching video ads.
How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus

HA Tunnel Plus has been one of the most used VPN tunneling apps worldwide and its used has gotten a voluminous increase worldwide. Many countries now benefit of HA Tunnel Plus thanks to Free Internet Hat Files for All countries

If you are not yet benefiting of free internet using HA Tunnel Plus, consider checking out this Article, we have provided there, free internet hat files for all countries. 

HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet HAT Files for All Countries.

We have also shown most of our readers how to create an HA Tunnel Plus config by themselves. You can check it out below.

How to Create HA Tunnel Plus HAT Files for Any Network.

But before creating HA Tunnel Plus configs, you will also need to find bug host probably SNI bug host that you can use to inject for free internet and to create these working free internet hat files. You can check out the tutorial on how to create HA Tunnel Plus free internet hat files by your self. Get the tutorial below.

When using HA Tunnel Plus, we always experience some boring ads that can break our enjoyment. So we don't always enjoy the free internet with a great taste and we do with HTTP Injector. We are always attributed a certain connection time for all our sessions with the app something like 5 hours of connection and we need to watch ads to renew access to the servers then HA Tunnel Plus gives us a time frame for connection to its server and when this time is over, we will need to view another ad and the cycle continues. 

Not all of us like watching these ads I can even say there's no one that loves watching these annoying ads. So if you're looking for a trick to get unlimited connection time with HA Tunnel Plus without watching ads then this is your bus stop. In today's article I will show you how to get unlimited connection time when using HA Tunnel Plus without necessarily watching video ads.

CHECK ALSO: How to Fix Connection Failed Problem in HA Tunnel Plus

What is HA Tunnel Plus and How does it works?

HA Tunnel Plus is a VPN preceding the famous VPN called AnonyTun. It comes with more exciting features then AnonyTun and it provides more secured ways of getting connected to the internet. It has more enhanced and fast servers than most other applications.

HA Tunnel Plus uses existing connection protocols such as SSH2.0. All traffic generated between the client and the server is protected with SSH2.0

How to Get Free Internet with HA Tunnel Plus

Free Internet is one of the top ranking queries made every day on search engines. We have provided many free internet tricks for all countries and we have equally provided free internet tricks using HA Tunnel Plus. You can check out all the free internet tricks using HA Tunnel Plus below.

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Free Internet Using HA Tunnel Plus in Any Country.

We have equally provided free internet tricks using HTTP Injector, Your Freedom VPN, and DroidVPN. You can equally get them from the links below.

Free Internet Using HTTP Injector in Any Country.
Free Internet Using Your Freedom VPN in Any Country.
Free Internet Using DroidVPN in Any Country.

How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus

To get unlimited connection time with ha tunnel plus can sound somehow impossible for you but we have developed some tricks that will help you get this one without any complications.

We will provide two hints or methods that you can use to get unlimited connection time in HA Tunnel Plus.

Before starting, this method will work with a specified version of HA Tunnel Plus. You should consider downloading this app version from the link below.

The video ads shown within HA Tunnel Plus help the developer to keep this exciting application with all its features alive. So we will not give you methods to hack the app but we will give you methods to escape these ads. 

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CHECK ALSO: How to Fix Connection Failed Problem in HA Tunnel Plus

1. Exiting the App

This is one of the best way to get escape these ads. When your connection time is over, the first thing you should do is to exit the app immediately. To do this in the right way follow the steps below.

  • Click the three dot icon at the top right corner of the app.
  • Select the Exit option.
  • You have now exit the app. 
How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus

The next time you will open the app, you will be attributed a new time frame. This works just on some devices but not for all.

If this doesn't works on your device, then check the second Hint below.

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2. Clearing App Cache

Cache is the form of data stored for all apps for every previous session you run within the app. Resetting this cache will make the app start from afresh and all its virtual data kept for your previous session will be cleared off. To clear the HA Tunnel Plus App cache, see the steps below.

  • Open your System Settings.
  • Navigate to App Management and spot HA Tunnel Plus.
  • Click on Storage.
  • Now click on Clear cache.
How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus

This will not clear your imported hat file but will rather clear the third party data within the App (Ads) resetting it to default and you will be attributed free connection time. Repeat this whenever your connection time is over.

This method will work on all devices without exception.

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Conclusion and Final Thoughts on How to Get Unlimited Connection Time in HA Tunnel Plus

These are the best ways you can escape from ads within HA Tunnel Plus app. If the first method doesn't works for you, then consider applying the second method.

The developers of this app have put a lot of efforts in bringing it up. So it will not be a good idea to hack their hard work just like that. We are just giving some hints to escape from ads and not to stop them permanently because they help the developers maintain the server alive.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Checkout below what people search for and that might interest you too.

HA Tunnel Plus Settings

If you are looking for the settings for HA Tunnel Plus, we recently shared the different steps to take when setting up HA Tunnel Plus application. The steps will just help you in creating your own HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet config files and browse freely. Click here to know how to setup ha tunnel plus or check the link below.

How to Create HA Tunnel Plus HAT Files for Any Network.

HA Tunnel Plus Config File download

We have shared HA Tunnel Plus free internet Hat files for all countries. You can get the working file for your country below.

HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet HAT Files for All Countries.

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About the Author

Hi everyone, I'm Tebid Kelly! Shopping is my passion, and I'm known for scoring the best deals and navigating the online shopping world with ease. With years of experience using various digital payment apps like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash A…


  1. Why does one of my file keep showing connection failed
    1. Checkout this guide to fix connection failed in ha tunnel plus

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